Doggy Lockdown Update

Doggy Lockdown Update

 A message from Dixi, Loghan and Lacey

We just want to say a big thank you to all of our customers, old and new for your continued support during this difficult time.

We are still busily sniffing out and sending all your goodies to you, but thought we’d share a doggy update of what we have been up to during lockdown.

We have been working hard to train our humans to help them adapt to their new routine with more time at home so that we can make the most of it, although they are not as clever as us so it’s been hard work. Think they are starting to get the hang of it finally as they are following our commands for “daily walk time”, “time to play in the garden“ and “it’s now time for a treat” which all seem to be working nicely this week.

We do still need to fill some of our day though so would love to hear and see photos of what you’ve all been up to with or without your humans during the last few weeks. This is a picture of 2 of us on our iso’ walk. 

As a thank you for all your support we want to give you a little discount on top of your reward points in case you fancy a treat, toy or other goodies to keep you busy,  just pop in Lockdownten at checkout for 10% off.

Stay safe and keep giving your humans lots of cuddles.

Dixi, Loghan and Lacey